
A leader in retail has adopted Knowlarity's Toll-free number and Virtual Landline number to help its franchisee owners and partners solve their customers' queries seamlessly.

Leader in premium and luxury eyewear uses Knowlarity’s Toll-Free Number Solution to communicate with Partners and Franchisee Stores

A leader in retail has adopted Knowlarity's Toll-free number and Virtual Landline number to help its franchisee owners and partners solve their customers' queries seamlessly.

A leader in premium and luxury eyewear operates through selling in franchisee and partner stores. To communicate better with the stakeholders, it uses Knowlarity’s Toll-Free Number making it easier for their stores to interact with the brand, place orders, answer queries etc

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    Organization site


Absence of Single Communication Point

The Premium and Luxury Eyewear Manufacturers and Sellers own a number of known brands and operate through a Partner and Franchisee Model. The company receives order requests from its partner and franchise stores.

Due to to-and-fro with various franchise and partner stores, the company experienced difficulty in tracking every call related to orders, sales, warranty, and queries. Often the stores would wait to place orders to the company and didn’t believe in calling every other day for orders. This also resulted in missing out the top quality order. Besides, a similar issue was faced in tracking every call detail of the store managers’ numbers and orders. The outcome of which was a delayed process within the organization.

The Brand was missing out on orders due to the delayed process. There was no Real-time tracking & monitoring the calls received/ missed/ answered so that the managers could understand CX Journey and improve processes. As there was no centralized system, keeping track of call details from stores was haywire. Thus, no calls were recorded either. All these issues made the business zero down on the toll-free number and Virtual Number Solutions.

Single Communication Platform that puts Partners first

A Toll-Free Number streamlined the dissipated order-related procedures into one mainstream channel with easy top-down monitoring. Partner and Franchise stores are now able to reach the company as soon as possible to place orders.

Success Post Knowlarity Solution

Toll-Free Number for better partner & store relationship

Knowlarity’s Toll-Free Number Solutions has effectively not only tackled the main problem of getting orders late but also helped uncover areas in the Store- Company relationship that was making the Eyecare Products Manufacturer lose sales and improve business processes. A Toll-Free Number empowered the Manufacturer to sell more. The agents are easily reachable to help with orders, assist them in other queries and quickly close the sale. This not only leads to more sales but increased the productivity of agents. Since the toll-free number identified an idle agent and automatically routed the store managers, the entire process of order management was automated. The IVR that comes as an in-built quality of the Toll-Free Number, aids the company in answering every store query with the IVR’s multi-level menu to redirect them to the right agent/team.

Milestones Achieved

Better relationship between stores and company
Increased ROI on each store
Live performance tracking of customer care team via a real-time call analytics dashboard
Real-time report access
Managing orders across India