Nurture Quality Leads using Virtual Phone Number

Nov 20, 2021

The secret to your exponential business growth is linked directly to the quality leads you can nurture. Even with various growing digital communication platforms, many customers prefer the convenient traditional mobile phone service to communicate with the business. Nurturing quality leads is a must for an organization to have a well-established customer base. That is where a phone number dedicated to customer service comes into action. This article is a quick guide on what virtual numbers are and how they render quality business leads.

What is a Virtual Phone Number?

A virtual phone number, also known as a virtual number, is a telephone number that does not restrict to providing service to any fixed geo-location. Businesses can make or receive calls on various phones such as cell phones, VoIP desk phones, etc. Virtual numbers are beneficial not just to stay in touch with the customers but also to nurture new and quality business leads.

Enterprises can also leverage virtual numbers for businesses to empower businesses with loads of customer data. The existence of virtual numbers became possible because of the cloud-based communication that renders versatile calling features through global call-forwarding.

How do virtual numbers benefit in nurturing quality leads?

Delivering a cost-effective customer-centric business service is what makes the business flourish. Again, getting quality leads in conjunction with flexible business responses is equally important. Virtual numbers for business are what make all of these possible. Here is a list of benefits that virtual phone numbers deliver to a business.

· Identify quality leads: Virtual number solutions can quickly identify quality leads. It can also classify and nurture these leads to provide excellent streamlining of customer engagement. Also, customers can easily reach the business for queries any time they want. It makes the business and its service omnipresence.

· Lower the chance of missing calls: With the implementation of the virtual phone number solution, the conversion rates increase significantly. When organizations leverage virtual number solutions, they will most likely never miss a call again. It is because such solutions get routed to that particular device that will remain available at that moment. All your office phones, such as mobile phones, VoIP phones, other desk phones, will remain connected to the virtual number solution. That is called Smart call routing.

· Better ROI and Marketing: With the increase in marketing strategy and reaching closer to customers, your brand horizon becomes greater. Virtual phone numbers make target marketing possible through global call forwarding to specific leads. It renders affordable payment plans to gear up your business leads from anywhere across the globe. Virtual numbers solutions are a creative marketing tool that increases ROI with cost-effective reach to business leads.

· Number masking: Systems with Virtual numbers for business also comes with number masking. This added benefit ensures absolute customer privacy and zero lead leakage. Through this number masking concept, both the customer and the agent details remain hidden during a live call.

· Recover lost leads: Such solutions also keep track of all the previously called customer contact without displaying the original number to the business agent. That enables the agent to recapture business efficiently. If a lead gets lost, the agent can track the customer information and align follow-up interactions.

· Better business decisions: Virtual number systems render real-time data insights that help in better business decisions. Information always assists in making better decisions and plans about which leads to approach and make agents understand who is more inclined towards your business or services.

· Apart from all these features to gain quality leads, Knowlarity's virtual phone number solutions also offer features like call recording, IVR, concurrent call management system, multi-lingual support, international numbers, etc.


Virtual numbers for business not only fetch more leads and customers but also boost agents' efficiency. It will seamlessly integrate with any legacy enterprise system to manage and support large call volumes. If you wish to start leveraging the potential of virtual numbers, try Knowlarity.

Written By:  Admin


Virtual Phone Number
Call Recording
Cloud Call Centre
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