Manage Your Business Communications Remotely Through Smart Solutions

May 13, 2021

The impact of COVID 19 has been experienced by every society and businesses across the globe. The time is critical at this stage where the government has issued a lockdown mode. This can eventually create a panic situation for every small and large businesses irrespective of their industry segment.

In response to the current situation, companies are opting to apply alternate solutions to keep their businesses running smoothly. Though the adaptation of work from home models has already been implemented, businesses are facing communication challenges. This challenge has further initiated bigger problems like collaboration and connectivity within the management and the clients/customers.

Work From Home Model Drawbacks

  1. Poor communication within your teams & your clients/customers from different locations
  2. Difficulties facing in handling business calls
  3. Accessibility Issue in managing your teams remotely
  4. Challenges in identifying leads to scale in the current situation

Role Of Cloud Telephony Solutions In Work From Home Model

The recent time has portrayed the actual necessity of switching towards tech solutions.

  1. The solutions essentially include cloud telephony communication and services to overcome the shortcomings of working remotely.
  2. Businesses can now eventually make a whole shift in their paradigm helping their employees cater to their customers from different locations.
  3. Knowlarity’s cloud telephony services has the ability to aid the “Work From Home” model through a virtual working solution.
  4. You can easily boost your team’s productivity and cater to your clients efficiently as compared to earlier.

Take a look at the benefits of how you can manage your business remotely and still be connected with your teams and customers. Picking up the new model of remote working might turn out to be beneficial for the companies in various ways. In response to the drawbacks, the solutions are listed below that can be overcome through cloud telephony solutions.

Build Better Communication Network Via Cloud Contact Center Solutions

Problem: Poor communication network to run the business

Solution: Enable Quality Conversation

In order to build an efficient communication network within your business/management, bring the operations online on a live dashboard through automated communication.

This can be achieved through our cloud contact center solutions without installing any equipment. Once you overcome this obstacle, you can easily get in touch with millions of your customers at one time.

Followed by which you can manage your teams performance remotely through the contact center analytics dashboard. This feature also offers you 24×7 access with more add ons to the dashboard to cater your customers round the clock. Offer better services to your customers through outbound & inbound communication.

Manage Every Business Calls Via Virtual Number & IVR Solution

Problem: Difficulties facing in handling business calls

Solution: Maintain your professional network

With the implementation of the virtual number, your business calls can be diverted to your agents personal no. A virtual number is an online no that is present in the cloud and enable you to connect multiple customers. This feature allows your agent to be available to every customer without missing a single call.

Also, you will be able to incorporate more features like automated regional voice to enhance the customer experience. The IVR stands for an Interactive Voice Response system that aids in your business makeover by giving a professional outlook. Also, you can easily run optimized campaigns and track every date in real-time with access to call recordings, sticky agent concept,s and much more.

Be Available Anytime Through Secure Mobile App/Web Portal Access

Problem: Accessibility Issue in managing your teams remotely

Solution: Adapt and meet the changing requirements

Mobility and flexibility has no boundaries with cloud telephony solutions. You will have access to every team member and customer data online through the mobile app and web portal. Simply manage your business without any restrictions through a secure connection from anywhere at any time zone.

Leverage CRM Integration Technology To Scale Your Business

Problem: Challenges in identifying leads to scale in the current situation

Solution: Identify the challenge to grow your business

By incorporating your CRM tool with our cloud telephony solution, integrate better lead management by boosting your team’s productivity. The positive outcome of adding cloud telephony solutions to your business, can increase your direct sales. Also, identify and acquire quality leads to scale up at your ease.

What To Expect?

The crisis of COVID 19 pandemic can be overcome by adapting cloud telephony solutions. Give your business a new paradigm to remain stagnant in the market for the longer run. Managing your business and the communication network at the same time can be handled smoothly and efficiently.

Let Knowlarity solve your business problems to help you recover from the current situation. A virtual call center solution will ensure reliability and seamless operation.

Written By:  Admin


Call Center Solution
Virtual Number
Cloud Telephony
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