How Knowlarity Responded to its Biggest Crisis with Decisive Leadership – And Won!

May 26, 2021

In the movie, ‘The Martian’, Matt Daemon’s character gets rescued from being stranded on Mars. But he wasn’t simply ‘rescued’. He has the intellect and courage to stay alive for two years on Mars and finally launch a craft into space where a rescue ship is able to ‘grab’ him.

When he gets back to Earth, he explains to a class of trainees at NASA that when you are facing death, you need to put your fears aside and work methodically. You solve one problem at a time and hope that you are doing the right thing. There is no option to quit.

Our Biggest Crisis

In late June 2016, Knowlarity faced what was possibly its biggest crisis. The telecom regulatory authority suspended our lines in Delhi because it called into question whether our services and our license conformed to regulations.

When 30,000 lines are down, you can either panic, or you can take swift action. During the following month, our people worked tirelessly to resolve the problem and restore things to normal. Thankfully we persevered – because we took immediate action on several fronts. We solved one problem and moved on to the next. As a result of our perseverance and dedication, our lines were fully restored. We lost very few customers and experienced less than 1% revenue loss.

What’s more, after just a few months, we secured our Series C Funding of $20 million from Delta Partners, Sequoia Capital and Mayfield.

In a nutshell – we won!


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