How Can Text to Speech Enhance Your Business?

Apr 2, 2022

Text To Speech may appear to be a basic technology, but it has considerably more advantages than most people know. With this fantastic service, you can expand your business's reach, reach out to new people, improve employee training, and boost productivity!

While still in its early stages, text to speech technology is being welcomed by various professional disciplines. There is no better moment to join the text-to-speech bandwagon than now when the number of firms using the software is expected to expand at exponential rates.

Adopting Text to Speech Software for Business - how does it help?

Over time, technical advancements have made artificial Speech sound less robotic and more human, making it more appealing. Various businesses have embraced Text-to-speech programs as they become sophisticated, and their use is expected to continue to rise at a rapid pace. So, what are the advantages of text-to-speech AI and how do they affect businesses?

  • Increased Accessibility

Many people cannot take advantage of the services that the rest of us take for granted. Text-To-Speech Software allows us to reach out to those folks and provide them with access to our services. They may not have many options depending on your industry.

  • Improved training modules

For new employees, many companies use digital training programs. Documents and presentations are frequently used to convey information. Text-to-speech technology can effectively enhance existing training materials.

Compared to putting up a proper recording, reading and listening simultaneously will enhance the quality of learning for your trainees, and it will take minimal time to execute.

  • Heightened web presence

When you provide an audio version of your content in addition to a written version, it will be more accessible to a wider audience, who may choose whether to read or listen to it based on their preferences. The more alternatives you have, the bigger your web presence can be.

  • Enhanced flexibility

You can listen to text content on the fly with Text-To-Speech Software. It can cut down on-screen time and allow people to learn and consume information while doing other activities, rather than looking at a page or device.

  • Scalability

Scalability is a feature of text to Speech. You can input massive amounts of data and have them instantaneously translated into audio recordings once you have a custom Text To Speech voice. Text to Speech is useful when working with long text sections because engaging a voice actor to read each word can be time-consuming.

Give your company an edge with Knowlarity's Text-To-Speech (TTS) Solution

The Text-To-Voice (TTS) software from Knowlarity converts written text into a speech format. TTS can now have a more human-like sound because of advancements in speech recognition technology, allowing quick human gratification via greetings on IVR calls.

You can use Text-to-Speech applications with Knowlarity to achieve your business goals like never before by boosting your client reach.

Knowlarity's TTS solution incorporates:

  • Pitch Control

  • Voice Quality

  • Increased IVR Options

Where you may adjust the pronunciation, volume, text emphasis, and speech rate according to the situation, and you can rapidly add recorded voice to an existing IVR script, offering your callers a variety of options. Knowlarity has emerged as the leading cloud communication provider in emerging markets, servicing numerous industrial verticals, and is trusted by over 6000 organisations in 65 countries.

With our Text-To-Speech (TTS) Solution, your company can gain more scalability by providing human-like voice quality, numerous languages, and accents, all with adjustable pricing choices that enable better cost management transparency. Give your brand a voice today with Knowlarity!

Written By:  Aakanksha


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