How B2C Industries Can Improve Call Automation

Dec 24, 2021

What is Call automation?

Call automation is the technique of a telephony system that allows businesses to interact with customers along with features like speech analysis, call recording, live call monitoring, AI-based services, etc. These call automation software can manage inbound and outbound calls and perform call-related tasks previously done manually by humans. Modern call automation solutions leverage cloud-based communication to render consistent, accurate, and satisfactory call service.

Let us now take a look at the various ways of improving outbound calling services, outbound dialers, and other techniques in call automation to make such solutions more efficient.

How can B2C industries improve call automation to make solutions efficient?

The best time to adopt automation for your B2C industry is now. Call center automation will provide a centralized & personalised customer experience through seamless engagement. Such solutions can handle all inbound and outbound calls without prior human intervention. Here are some key points that can improve an organization's business-call-related automation.

  • Having a personalized company directory:

An organisation can improve its call automation solution by maintaining a personalised call directory that enables the organisation to direct its callers to the accurate personnel or desk. Consider a situation where your business is catering to a very critical service. If your customer wants urgent service and makes an inbound call, getting the call to the receptionist or someone not belonging to that specific department eventually wastes some time. So, it is a good practice to set up a directory within the call automation solution. That personalised directory will allow customers to enable direct access or connection to one they need. The organisation's directory should include a dial extension that can forward the caller to the specific personnel, desk, or department so that the customer can interact with whom they want.

  • Menu option for voicemail:

Another significant point that can improve call automation is to include a separate menu option with your call automation system. It will allow the caller to select and send all the conversations directly to a voice mailbox. The menu option should be simple enough so that with simply a click on the specific number, the caller can get directed to the voice mailbox.

  • Email-based notifications and reminders:

Every B2C organisation, irrespective of small or medium-size, with a few call-handlers, must keep a corporate email handle/address, where voicemails from callers get dropped automatically. It will remind the sales team to make outbound calls to prospective customers and focus on leads, sales, telemarketing, etc. Having multiple email addresses for each section or department will make customer-centric communication more efficient. Emails are the best option because they have massive storage capacity, easy integration with the cloud, and easy-to-use features. Enabling its notification will allow the sales team to keep track of all messages.

  • Working or operational hours:

Organisations that have fixed working hours should make their customers aware of it. Organisations that do not operate on a 24-hour basis should set up their call automation system to receive calls during those working hours. When it exceeds the working hours, the system should stop taking calls. It will ensure that the system will not forward inbound calls at odd hours. Also, the system should allow callers to leave a voice message or voicemail. It will enable the business agents to make outbound calls according to the voice message or urgency.

Conclusion –

Improving the call automation system for better outbound dialer and outbound calling is essential to render efficient business. Knowlarity's cloud-based Call automation solution allows such improvisation so that you can scale your B2C business like never before by maximizing your reach to customers.

Written By:  Aliya


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