An absolute Guide on the Effectiveness of Video Communication Platforms in 2022

Mar 17, 2022

In times like these when social and physical meetings have slowly turned virtual, businesses have slowly moved their processes online. For some processes, where face-to-face interaction is crucial to the conduction of business processes, Video Communication Solutions have made it fairly possible for a business to work comfortably online. The popularity of video communication is at its peak as several organisations continue to work remotely. Video communication has always been more effective than audio because it keeps everyone involved and attentive, which, in turn, results in a more meaningful conversation.

Owing to the very same reason, the demand for video communication platforms has increased more than ever. Let’s learn how a video communication solution can put your business on the path to success.

1. It makes communication with clients effective and hassle-free

Strengthening relationships with clients is imperative for a business’s longevity, therefore communicating with them persistently is crucial. The same goes in the case of prospects as well because you have to explain USPs (unique selling points) of your products and services properly to close a deal. As we know, this doesn’t happen in one meeting, as you gain prospects’ confidence after having multiple rounds of discussions.

2. Promises cost and time savings

Another benefit is that an unparalleled video conferencing platform promises significant cost and time savings. The importance of this aspect amplifies two times when it comes to retaining hard-working employees.

One of the most cited reasons behind increasing employee turnover is the soul-crushing commute. Traveling for long hours not only makes your body tired but also takes a toll on your mind. It’s a no-brainer that you fail to perform as per your potential when you are physically and psychologically exhausted. At last, this reduces job satisfaction, which eventually results in attrition.

3. Improves collaboration

The major issue of conducting audio conferences is that participants don’t pay attention during the discussion. For example, they spend time checking notifications on social networking sites, chatting with friends, etc. Because of such unseriousness, the meeting host has to conduct meetings multiple times to discuss a single topic.

On the other hand, video conferencing eliminates this hassle and increases the effectiveness of team meetings. It makes sure that all attendees pay heed so that two-way communication is carried out smoothly.

4. Helps to gain competitive advantage

Another benefit of using a feature-rich** video communication platform** is that you improve operational efficiency significantly. In addition, it aids in gaining a competitive advantage, as teams working in different cities or countries can easily share required information swiftly and efficiently.

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Other than the benefits mentioned above, there are several operational processes which can be streamlined using the Video Communication platform. Here is a list of day-to-day operations which are handled seamlessly through our Video communication channel.

1. Work Remotely - A company from any industry that needs to work remotely and have work meetings with colleagues can use a Video Conferencing solution. The Video Conferencing solution would help the company not spend on physical office/work locations which are a huge cost for businesses, especially start-ups. With Video Conferencing Solutions, a company’s employees can have face-to-face communication without having to step out of their houses.

2. Give Product Demos - It’s practically impossible for most companies that sell a tangible product that require a physical experience to be sold online. E-Commerce has definitely paved the way for physical products but “products” like a house, apartment need a tour of the property. With Video Conferencing, businesses like real estate can give live video demos of apartments and properties to prospective customers.

3. Troubleshoot errors - It’s easy to shop online, however it gets tough when a customer has to troubleshoot errors. With Video Conferencing Services, businesses can aid customers in troubleshooting problems they might be having with their software, home appliances etc. The Video Conferencing Solutions take the service and support arm of a business to another level. Businesses can increase customer satisfaction by offering quick service support over Video.

4. Conduct Online Classes - One of the foremost users of Video Conferencing Solutions in recent times is the education sector. In recent times, most schools and academic institutions have shifted to online teaching. Academic institutions, schools, and colleges use Video Platforms to provide online classes so that education doesn’t stop no matter what.

5. Provide Consultations Online - Since Video Conferencing Solutions are designed to facilitate face-to-face interactions online, processes like consulting someone like a doctor can be conducted online. With the strain on medical facilities and hospitals due to the pandemic, people can consult doctors for common ailments online. Patients who cannot visit hospital premises can consult with their doctors too. Mental health professionals can counsel people. Lawyers can be consulted online for legal purposes.

6. Help people interact Better - With the onslaught of the pandemic, people are meeting online. However, that’s limited to text. By integrating a Video Conferencing Platform in dating apps, people can securely meet other people online within an application.

Now that we have been through the various benefits that a Video Communication platform offers to businesses at large. Let’s first, make a list of your requirements and make sure you know why you need them. Here are some of the primary points to consider.

Who’s the user?

Before choosing any video-conferencing platform, you should know who needs the software. Make a small list of the users and see if they are all internal members of your organization or other customers & clients will also be included in the meeting.

How will they use it?

This question will give you the answer to the features they’ll be needing in the Online Meeting Software. For an educational institution, virtual whiteboards are necessary, while screen-sharing should be included in the software for business meetings, presentations, etc. If there are extra functionalities in the software and you know that you’ll never get to use those, then you should avoid paying for them.

Is the video conferencing platform mobile-friendly?

Considering the entire world’s population, over 80% of them use smartphones. The video-conferencing platform you choose should certainly be smartphone-friendly. This is also helpful for those people who join the meetings from their job sites or via traveling.

What’s the Price?

Budget is essential in any investment. Make an apple-to-apple comparison by checking for annual fees, per-person fees, and other miscellaneous charges.

After the pre-planning is done, we must check specific requirements to procure you with the best Online Meeting Software.

Privacy & Security

With thousands of enterprises getting affected due to cyber thefts and data breaches each day, it is vital to ensure that the software you use is fully secured so you can work effortlessly. If you’ve just started up your business and are currently working as a solopreneur, then you are doubling as your IT staff. This essentially means that your organization’s data security is in your hands, and you are solely responsible for it.

The video-conferencing software you use should safeguard your personal data, your enterprise, and the people in your meeting. Always try to use software with in-built updates for the complete protection of confidential data.

Attendee Abilities

The appropriate Online Meeting Software of your enterprise depends on the number of participants in your meetings. Browse for that video-conferencing software that can serve up to a maximum number of participants as per your company. Beware of ‘free’ software because it can quickly become expensive without even a second chance.

Multimedia & Recording Features

These features come in handy when you’re in business meetings and giving presentations. These meetings are served better with visual content such as docs, graphs, charts, etc. Cloud recording services help in preserving virtual meetings for various uses. Instead of going with the traditional methods of taking notes, use meeting transcription.

Reliability and User Interface

You should try using that software that has a more accessible user interface to help the new users use the video-conferencing software easily. Sophisticated solutions are suitable only for an appearance but for a regular office purpose, go for stable software that comes under your budget.

With the help of this article, we have discussed how video communications are effective in the corporate world and the points you need to keep in mind while opting for a video communication solution. In case you have made up your mind to switch to a well-developed video communication platform, connect with Knowlarity straight away. To read more amazing articles like this one, check out our blog section now.

Written By:  Aakanksha


Cloud Telephony
Online Meeting Software
Video Conferencing Services
Voice Products
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