Grab Best Deals With a Miss Call

Jul 20, 2015

India’s leading online classified company spread across 900 cities. They are the leading e-commerce platform which provides the comfort to sell, buy or rent anything in one’s local community.

The Need:

Being one of the most established players in the online classified market, customer loyalty is worth revenue for our clients. But as the platform grows, it’s difficult to provide the same experience to every customer in real-time. The inquiries are expected at inconvenient times and there is a possibility to miss leads.

Our client wanted to display an exclusive missed-call number for their home services, which customers can dial for any related queries at zero cost. They wanted a simple telephony solution at a competitive price, which could be implemented quickly.

The Solution:

Knowlarity has a series of success stories helping clients run missed-call campaigns, and were confident to deliver it within timelines. We provided 2 missed-call numbers with a SMS solution which are currently promoted through various advertising channels. As soon as customer gives a miss call on either number, they receive this text message:

‘Thank you for reaching out to our Home Services. We have taken note of your contact number. One of our service advisors will be connecting with you shortly to take your request.’

Our client’s support team follows up with the customer thereafter. This solution helped them add more customers in the list, ensuring that not a single lead is missed.

The Success Story:

With over 30 million monthly active users on our client’s India platform, Knowlarity’s missed-call solution promises a similar experience to all it’s customers. This has reduced the burden on their support team and made the process smoother. With the missed-call numbers being promoted across, their team successfully receives more than 100 leads per day. Here are few advantages of our solution:

  • Never miss a call & get more business leads
  • Increase customer engagement
  • Enhance customer experience
  • Track & analyse ROI through analytics and business health indicators

After implementing the solution in one region and seeing success, the client plans to expand across India.

Written By:  Admin


Missed Call
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Missed Call Alert
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