Free Number is The New Free Style

June 8, 2021

Fill the distance between your academy and your students. Get a toll-free number and get pumping! That was the advertisement that caught my eye. I’m the head of a dance academy, but many of my students are unable to freely contact the academy for a lot of questions they have, or when they need to contact their teachers. When I laid my eyes on that jingle, I just knew a toll-free number was what I needed.” said Rachna Vohra.

To find out why Rachna needed a toll-free number, keep reading on!

Let’s first understand what a toll-free number is.

A toll-free number is a virtual number that gives your customer the benefit of calling you, without any charges. When the customer calls on a toll-free number, the company pays for the call and not the customer. A sample of a free number is 1800-XYZ-ABCD where the variables are chosen by the company purchasing it.

Why do you think Rachna would want a toll-free number for a Dance Academy?

Easy communication with the teachers

If a student wants to contact their teachers for feedback or for some information they need, a toll-free number will be best. They can call as many times, without feeling that they have to pay for each call. They can easily connect with their mentors as well! Isn’t that a treat?

Feedback for faculty as well as infrastructure

Students can call the academy to give feedback for the faculty or the infrastructure. Imagine how easy it would be to contact the academy! If a student feels that the mirrors in the studio are not clean,or the fan is not working, they can contact the school . The 1800-number makes it all easy.

Confirmation of class timings

When your students are unsure about class timings or the parents can’t reach their kids, it’s easier for students to contact the academy, using an 1800 number. They’re easy to remember and they can handle multiple calls at once.

Intimation of sick leaves

When students need to take an off, they can inform the academy quite easily! Combine this with an IVRS and let them leave voice messages for you even at midnight. Everything will run smoothly.

Information about events

Sometimes, events happen or cancel overnight. The IVRS can store the recorded information after school hours and anyone who wants to know why the event was cancelled or what event is going to happen, can simply call and listen to it through the agent, anywhere and anytime! They won’t get charged for the call, thanks to the free number.

So, this is how Rachna saved her Dance Academy from something she didn’t know was coming. She handled all situations, let the students take control of themselves and made all her customers happy!

Written By:  Admin


Toll Free Numbers
Cloud Based System
Virtual Number
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