Expand your customer service reach through premium toll free numbers

Nov 24, 2021

At present, offering a constant communication line is imperative for businesses to keep customers happy in the long run. It’s a no-brainer that you compete with business rivals with a lot of confidence when your loyal customers stay with your brand.

The best way to be available round-the-clock for customers is to buy a toll-free number in India because people of all ages are comfortable with voice support. You can take your game to the next level via premium toll-free numbers starting with 1800.

Let’s check how premium phone numbers helps to expand customer service reach:

Encourages customers to discuss issues by saving their money

Every product/service has some loopholes, and that's why brands always seek customer feedback so that they can make due improvisations to improve the quality of their offerings. However, some offer paid voice support, which discourages vexed customers from sharing their issues. As a negative consequence, they leave the brand without explaining what went wrong.

Therefore, it is fundamental for brands to drop their money-centric approach and start offering a toll free number service. It not only will increase the reach of their customer service but also help to retain customers effortlessly.

It goes without saying that customers are likely to share their problems when they get a chance to talk about them without spending any money. As we have already said, the quality of products and services can be improved significantly when brands act upon customer feedback.

Helps to build brand image

Customers get infuriated when they come to know that the brand is charging for providing the required support. This anger leads to high customer turnover and negative WOMM (word-of-mouth marketing). Obviously, competitors take this as an opportunity to acquire new customers and eliminate such money-oriented brands from the market.

To reduce the percentage of brand detractors, it is imperative to buy a toll-free number in India and start offering unparalleled voice support at no cost. It will delight customers and encourage them to spread positive words in their contact circle and on social media platforms. Besides building a strong brand image, it will increase the reach of your customer service more than your expectations.

Easy to keep in mind

One of the major benefits of investing in premium toll-free numbers is that they are easy to remember. And this cannot be overlooked because customers are likely to discuss their product/service-related issues with you at any time from anywhere if they have your support number in mind.

Generally, premium numbers start from 1800, 888, etc., and this makes them unique as compared to common numbers, which, as a consequence, increases their recall rate. And you can make them more memorable by simply dividing them into small chunks. For example, the contact number of Knowlarity is 1800-1020-340.

To put it briefly, premium toll-free numbers have a higher recall and trust rate. These two aspects make sure that customers quickly reach out to your brand in the hour of need with no worries. Besides speaking volumes about the reach of your customer service, it puts brakes on the dropping CSAT score.

Summing up:

In this modern era, there are multiple support channels available for customers, for example, live chat, telephone, email, etc. But the most trustworthy one is voice support. The reason being is it is convenient for customers, irrespective of their age.

With the help of this article, we have understood the importance of premium toll free numbers and how they increase the reach of customer service. For businesses of all sizes, it is imperative to use such numbers because they not only enhance customers' support experience but also promise strong brand equity.

If you are already looking for a trustworthy toll free number service provider, partner with Knowlarity - they have been in the market for many years and promise outstanding services at a nominal rate.

Written By:  Admin


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