9 great Chrome extensions to boost your productivity

June 5, 2021

Do you remember the days when everyone used Firefox or Internet Explorer? We won’t blame you if that seems like a long, long time ago. That’s because Google’s Chrome has since taken over as the numero uno browser. Why’s that? It’s faster, lighter, more stable, and works well with almost every site. But there’s another reason why Chrome has become the most popular browser in the world: the dizzying array of extensions that enhance the main browser’s functionality.

Here are our pick of nine best Chrome extensions that should help boost productivity and make you a lot more efficient.

1) Pushbullet lets you respond to mobile notifications.

This is one heck of a powerful Chrome extension. What all can this little app do? Transfer files to and from your smartphone, write and respond to SMS messages, and even review, respond, and take action on other phone notifications. You’ll especially like this if you find yourself getting distracted each time your phone rings or beeps.

2) Stayfocusd keeps you focused on the work you’re doing.

The best part of the Internet is the amount of fun stuff you can do. Read blogs (like ours), browse funny images, watch YouTube videos…. But what if you have work? Do you find yourself saying, “Okay, five more minutes of this collection of cat pictures and then I’ll get back to work?” If so, then you’ll like Stayfocusd. This nifty Chrome extension blocks any website you want for a time limit you specify. So you can’t goof off when you should be working.

3) Google Similar Pages makes research easy.

Google Similar Pages is a great research tool that takes the effort out of looking for relevant websites. Found a useful page? Click the button and this extension will show you pages that might be of use to you, without needing you to dig through a page of (mostly useless) search results.

4) Newshounds and avid readers will love Feedly.

This RSS and news feed app / service makes life easier for newshounds. Install the extension, select the topics and subjects that interest you, and sit back as it collects updated news from your favorite websites. How does this help? You see, you no longer have to visit each site individually, as Feedly serves up everything in an easy-to-read format.

5) Keep your PC running smooth with The Great Suspender.

Chrome might be speedy, but it can bog your system down if you’ve got a few dozen tabs open all at once. If you’re facing this issue, The Great Suspender will help prevent system crashes by ‘suspending’ unused tabs and freeing up memory and system resources till needed.

6) Lazarus prevents browser crash heart attacks!

Ever found yourself typing out a long form or email only to find the connection’s broken down or the browser’s crashed? It’s a rather common scenario but you can prevent yourself from losing valuable work with Lazarus, which remembers everything you type. So the next time Chrome crashes or your DSL gives way, you’ll be able to recover what you were doing – instantly.

7) Save pages for reading later with Pocket.

Browsing the internet for work and came across some rather interesting website? Don’t get distracted. Just save it for reading later on your browser or on your phone with Pocket. Pocket can save any site you want for reading later, and you can even view a simplified version that cuts out all ads and irrelevant text.

8) Prioritab reminds you of the work you have to do.

Do you often forget to do small but important tasks like replying to emails, setting up that meeting, following up on a delegated task? That’ll never happen again with Prioritab. This Chrome extension displays all your outstanding tasks and pending work each time you open a new tab, making sure you don’t get sidetracked with fun stuff!

9) Simple Pomodoro helps you divide your time into small, efficient chunks.

Based on the famous Pomodor technique, the Simple Pomodoro Chrome extension works as a timer that lets you work in small, efficient chunks of time as advised by Pomodoro gurus. For example, working 25 minutes and then taking a 5-minute break.

We’ve used these Chrome extensions and found them to be rather useful in boosting our productivity. Give them a try, and if there’s something you find useful which we haven’t covered, let us know!

Image credit: www.armblog.net/

Written By:  Admin


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