A Healthcare Centre Enriches Patient Experience Using Unified Communications

June 4, 2021

Being one of India’s largest centers, Narayana Hrudayalaya is headquartered in Bangalore and offers world’s best economical healthcare services. The NH Group of Hospitals has grown to a healthcare conglomerate with a network of 32 multi speciality and superspeciality hospitals spread across 20 locations. The group was rebranded as ‘Narayana Health’ in 2013 to convey its vision, values and objectives beyond cardial care.

The Need:

Narayana Healthcare invests in the future of health and wellness. Their center of focus is to provide superior patient care and good customer service. To integrate both facilities, they were in search of one technology offering multiple solutions to help them achieve their goal:

  • A missed call and outbound solution with an IVR system to intelligently route patients’ calls to the concern person or right department.
  • A Click-to-Call solution to instantly connect agents and customers without any delay
  • An outbound solution to receive feedbacks and suggestion to understand patient requirements

The Solution

Knowlarity offered the following solutions to Narayana Healthcare

- Missed Call Solution: Provided the health care with 24 virtual numbers for missed call services. When a missed call is placed, an IVR script is initiated – with a set of extension numbers in multiple languages. This gives callers the option to choose the right language to connect to the right department. This solution provides round the clock service and a ‘Thank You’ SMS is sent to every customer after the call gets disconnected.

- Click-to-Call: This instant calling widget is located on the agent’s dashboard to initiate an outbound call between the customer and agent.

- Outbound Solution: Helps the center to gather real-time feedback from customers.

- CRM Integration: The solution is seamlessly integrated with Salesforce CRM software to save logs and extract call details.

Success Factor:

Narayana Hrudayalaya continues to benefit from Knowlarity in many ways. The use multiple solutions like missed call, outbound call, click-to-call, etc. to enrich the overall experience for patients and their families.

Benefits of Knowlarity’s solutions to Healthcare industry:

  1. Virtual availability for 24*7, ensuring all calls are answered promptly
  2. Customized IVR system available in multiple languages
  3. Gather real-time feedback from patients for further improvement
  4. Keep track of customer’s call history through call logs
  5. Improve patient experience
Written By:  Admin


Click to Call
IVR System
Missed Call
Outbound Solution
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